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Best Ways To Do Charity During Ramadan 2024 With Muslim Charity

Ramadan has been described as the most sacred month by almighty Allah (SWT). This month, Muslims worldwide practice fasting, reciting the Holy Quran and participating in the Tarawih prayer in congregation.

Importance Of Ramadan

Almighty Allah (SWT) has described the importance of Ramadan month in the Holy book of the Quran several times. The most specific and highlighted one is that the first ever Ayat of the Quran was bestowed upon Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) this month. Since then, the night when the Ayat was presented is known to be Shab-E-Qadr, which means the Night of Destiny.

Significance Of Ramadan

According to the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is the ninth month. Even though it is in ninth place, it is of great significance. This month is the perfect time to ask Allah (SWT) for mercy. The beginning of this month is subjected to the appearance of the new moon in the sky. Depending on which, the month can last for 30 or 29 days.

Within these 30 days, Muslims practice fasting. The way of fasting is to eat before sunrise, Subhe Sadiq, until sunset. Also, practicing Tarawih prayer in congregation is another significance of Ramadan. This month is divided into three ten equal days termed as the first ten days of Rahamat, the second ten days of Magfirat and the last ten days of Nazat.

Five Pillars Of Islam

Islam is based on five essential pillars.

  • Shahada (Faith)
  • Salah (Prayer).
  • Zakat (Alms).
  • Sawm (Fasting).
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Shahada, The Faith Towards Almighty Allah (SWT) And His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Shahada is the first pillar of Islam, which describes that a Muslim must have faith in Almighty Allah (SWT) and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Salah, Five Times Prayer In A Day

Salah was the gift from Allah (SWT) bestowed upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His followers. This was a special gift as the Almighty invited His beloved Prophet in Miraz to meet Him.

Zakat, The Benelovant Effort Of Charity

Allah (SWT) has put forth this pillar to test the Muslims on their selfless efforts in doing charity. The purpose of this pillar is that wealthy Muslims help the underprivileged in uplifting.

Sawm, Performing Fasting

Sawm is that pillar that prevents Muslims from consuming food before sunrise till sunset to stay focused on Islamic practices such as performing Salah and reciting the Holy Quran. Ramadan is not the only month when Muslims are allowed to fast. Allah (SWT) has permitted all Muslims to fast in any month of the Islamic calendar.

Hajj, Going For Pilgrimage In Makkah And Madina

Last but not least, the fifth pillar of Islam is Hajj. It is that pillar where Muslims go to the holy cities of Saudi Arabia, Makkah and Madina, for Pilgrimage. Generally, the time for Hajj is during the month of Dhu al-Hajj. There Muslims perform various Islamic practices as Allah (SWT) instructed, starting from Makkah and ending in Madina.

Charity During Ramadan

Among these five pillars, Alms or Charity is one. This is to test your benevolent efforts to help humanity. Allah (SWT) stated, “And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah (SWT).” (2:110, Quran). With this verse, it is clear how much of necessary Zakat is. As per His rule, adult Muslims with a certain amount of wealth must pay 2.5% of their wealth as Zakat each year during Ramadan.

There are only 3.2% of Muslim people live in Australia. But the Islamic rules and regulations are the same for everyone, like other Muslims worldwide. For example, Zakat is essential because it benefits individuals and the needy and underprivileged. If the ten wealthiest people in the world pay Zakat, it would be worth around $9.3 billion. With that vast amount of money, numerous people living in poverty can be lifted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Is Charity Essential?

In Islamic terms, charity is referred to as Zakat. It is one of the pillars of Islam. Therefore it is of great importance.

Can I Do Charity Only In The Month Of Ramadan?

There is no specific time for a charity in Islam. You can do it at any time of the year. But if you do it in the month of Ramadan, then you will be rewarded seventy times more Swab ‘’Rewards’’ than usual.

How Much Charity Can I Give At A Single Time?

If you possess a certain wealth, you have to pay 2.5% of your total wealth.

Some Final Words

Ramadan is a month of extreme value for all Muslims worldwide. Allah (SWT) has bestowed this month towards His followers to seek mercy and forgiveness. He designed the practices of Islam so that it doesn’t only help Muslims but also the entire humanity. 

Zakat is the perfect example of such an approach. It is because if a Muslim gives Zakat during Ramadan, he will receive seventy times more Swab and lift the underprivileged.

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